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Primary Computing CPD Overview

All courses and CPD are fully funded by the DFE and are free to attend. For the full day face to face courses, state-funded schools in Education Investment Areas (Lincolnshire) will also receive a £205 subsidy to cover supply costs (1 subsidy per school in a given academic year).

All titles are hyperlinked - for further details click on the title.

Face to Face Courses Remote & Short Courses Online - self-led Courses
Leading Primary Computing module 1 Introduction to Primary Computing Getting Started with the Teach Computing Curriculum in your primary school
Leading Primary Computing module 3 Leading Primary Computing module 2
Algorithms and Programming in KS1 Literacy via Primary Computing -
building vocabulary and embedding
literacy skills
Assessment of Primary Computing  
Introduction to Computing Creating an Inclusive Classroom - 
approaches to support learners with
SEND in computing
Computing for Specialist Teachers of Autistic Students
Inclusive Computing in Primary Schools
Maths in Primary Computing
Preparing for Ofsted
Empowering Trainee Teachers: Introduction to Primary Computing
Implementing the Teach Computing 
Empowering Girls in KS2 Computing Introduction to Primary Scratch
Getting Started in Year 1 Teaching Programming to 5-11 year
Developing and Supporting Programming
within your Primary School
Getting Started in Year 2
Introduction to the Microbit in KS2 Getting Started in Year 3 Teaching Computing Systems and
Networks to 5-11 year olds
Microbits to Collect Data Getting Started in Year 4
KS1 BeeBots Getting Started in Year 5  
KS2 Dataloggers Getting Started in Year 6  
KS2 Crumble Kits AI in Primary Computing  
Programming with the Micro:bit Assessing Computational Thinking in
Primary Schools
  Adapting the Teach Computing Curriculum
for mixed year classes
  Online Safety through Computing  
  Careers & Enrichment in primary
  Foundations for Effective Computing in KS1  

The Teach Primary Computing Certificate 

A nationally recognised certificate to add to your CV.  This professional development program provides an accreditation in recognition of the CPD you attend and the learning you have completed.

Computing Quality Framework

Designed to help schools review their progress in developing an exemplary computing curriculum. 

Accreditation - When you are able to show good practice, you can apply for the nationally recognised Computing Quality Mark, which is awarded by STEM Learning on behalf of the National Centre for Computing Education.