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Priory News

Page 6

  • Public Health England - 26th February

    Published 26/02/20, by Martin Mammatt

    Reference: Public Health England – Priory update 2

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  • Public Health England - 25th February

    Published 25/02/20, by Antony Samson
    As you may be aware from today’s news reports, the British government has updated its advice to travellers who have returned from northern Italy since 19th February. This follows the identified outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Lombardy and
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  • A Level Geographers enjoy an amazing visit to Iceland

    Published 24/02/20, by Admin

    On Saturday 15th February, twenty A Level Geography students made their way to Iceland. Despite a delayed start due to storm Dennis, the group arrived in time to explore Perlan. The building used to store Reykjavik’s hot water but is now home to an indoor ice cave, a tectonics exhibition and has an outdoor viewing gallery with spectacular views of the city.  The following day, it was time to explore the golden circle.  First the group went to Hellisheidi Power Plant, which is one of the first places in the world to use carbon capture to try to return carbon back into the ground to reduce global warming as well as providing renewable geothermal energy. The weather cleared whilst we were in the power station to reveal bright blue skies which remained for the rest of the day.  We then made our way to Thingvellir National Park, a rift valley which was the site of the first Icelandic parliament.  The group then watched a geyser spectacularly erupt before visiting Gulfoss waterfall. The day finished with a walk around the volcanic crater called Kerið before a swim in the outdoor pool.


    Monday 17th February started with a visit to the lava centre with some spectacular footage of the recent volcanic eruptions as well as giving great views of Heimaey, one of the few places in the world where lava has successfully been diverted.  We then made our way to Reynisfjara black sand beach to see the basalt columns created by volcanoes, as well as observing the power of the Icelandic waves.  It was then time for our glacier walk on the Sólheimajökull Glacier. Accompanied by two guides we got to see crevasses, moraines and even a small rockfall. We then went to see the beautiful Seljalandsfoss and Skógar Waterfalls. The day finished with a view of the Northern Lights dancing across the sky.


    The following day dawned bright and sunny. It started with a trip to the Blue Lagoon.  It was a relaxing start watching the sun rise over the volcano.  We then saw hot springs at Gunnunver before observing the powerful waves at Strandakirkja and Krýsuvík.  Finally we made a short stop at Eyrarbak, to see what could have been Iceland’s capital city. Along the way we got to learn a lot about the life of Iceland and the many legends. Our final visit of the day was to indulge in the Icelandic tradition of ice cream.  As we made our way there it started to snow, so the group decided to go for a soak in the outdoor hot tub to enjoy the snow.  Our final day was Wednesday 19th February. We started with a tour of Reykjavik seeing the parliament buildings, the oldest house and site of the original settlement. The students then had time to buy plenty of souvenirs and some went to the top of Hallgrímskirkja church to get a view of the snow covered city. 


    Overall it was an outstanding visit with lots to explore and many of the students wanting to come back again soon.  During the trip the students were praised for their excellent behaviour, courtesy and punctuality. They were a real credit to the Academy.

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  • County Chess Achievements

    Published 12/02/20, by Admin

    On Saturday 8th February, the Priory Academy LSST hosted a Lincolnshire Schools Chess Association tournament. These tournaments are open to young people from all over the county, with under-14 and under-18 categories. This time, twelve young people played and five of these were students from the Priory Academy LSST. It was great to see such a big turn-out from our own students and well done to all those who took part. They were all brilliant representatives of the Academy at the event.


    The competition is fierce in chess at county level and there are some excellent players. Three of our students each managed to win three out of the six games they played during the tournament, a magnificent result. This gave them final standings as follows: Abigail came 1st in the under-14 category, Paulius came 2nd in the under-14 category and Matthew came 5th in the under-18 category, where the winning points were higher.


    If you are interested in entering a future chess tournament, ask Mrs Allan for further details.

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  • Boarding gets some new guests!

    Published 03/02/20, by Admin

    Something that you may not know about Miss Tunnard is that she runs a local charity group called Re-engage Lincoln. It is a charity for people over the age of 75 who live alone and are considered isolated in the local area. Many struggle to walk, have suffered falls and go weeks without talking to anyone. They are picked up once a month for a tea party as well as one off events such as going to the panto!  Over time, it is great to see the guests gaining confidence and they really look forward to their Sundays out. 


    On Sunday she brought the group to the boarding house.  First of all, a huge thank you to the boarding staff who made excellent afternoon tea.  Secondly, it was great to see the boarding house students engage with the guests, bringing them out of their shells, listening to their stories and enjoying a great afternoon tea too.  The guests were amazed by the students who played music for the group, with some even moved to tears!  The students were a real credit to the Academy and willingly gave up their free time to spend two hours with the guests.  

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  • Masterclass 2020

    Published 21/01/20, by Samantha Davis

    Masterclass 2020 has kicked off to a wonderful start.  This week Mr Pendle was bisecting angles with our young mathematicians.  Masterclass 2020 would also like to thank the parents who have supported the café and over £80 will now go towards our designated charities (WWF, Sophie’s journey, The Brain Tumour Trust).  More subject photos and news to follow in the coming weeks!

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  • Christmas Cook - a - long

    Published 12/01/20, by Samantha Davis

    Well done to those who took part.  The judging was tight as usual.  All participants will receive house points for their house. Keep an eye out for the Valentine’s Day cook-a-long competition coming soon…

    The winners are as follows:

    1st Imogen Le Put  8.1 Sempringham

    2nd Jack Dick 8.6 Alexandria

    3rd Michael Dick  9.4 Avalon

    Staff Winner Mrs Cavill and her family's effort. Well done.


    Regards Mr Goffe

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